After D’Esposito announced the plans, he told reporters the resolution is backed by the entirety of the state’s freshman GOP House delegation
Several school districts, including Anchorage, Alaska’s largest, have adopted anti-discrimination policies that conflict with ASAA’s new rule
"We are thinking about those who are coming out or those who are thinking about coming out, and we are here for you"
This decision was made following more than a year of student walkouts protesting Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new guidelines
Santos allegedly filed fraudulent fundraising reports to FEC to & repeatedly charged the credit cards of contributors without authorization
On Feb. 24, 2020, Garcia set fire to a dumpster in the alley directly behind Queer/Bar & was arrested only minutes after setting the fire
“At best, it is beneath the dignity of the office of Mayor to attend [Pride] events that seek to push sex on our children"
“This legislation doesn’t refer to anything with regards to state or federal law with regards to transgender"
“Being able to hold our events in public spaces on the same terms as any other group is the basic fairness that we seek”
The Navy & Marine Corps Medal is the highest noncombat award for heroism & typically is awarded to those who put their own life in jeopardy