Responses to her discriminatory post were universally dismissive and castigated her for her position and ideology
“The so-called ‘Women’s Bill of Rights’ is a blatant effort to control and stigmatize transgender residents of the state”
Recently trans plaintiffs have beaten anti-trans policies in courts across the U.S. Now a judge rules a trans student can use girls bathroom
Prior to 2007, Kansas law required the Department of Revenue to document an applicant’s sex on the driver’s license
Anyone presenting an invalid out-of-state driver license will be subject to a citation for driving without a valid license
The new law is based on model legislation from a far-right group and attempts to strip transgender residents of their identity
Montana’s expansive “drag ban” law not only outlaws any public drag performance, but targets nearly anyone in a costume for punishment & fines
The number of Americans living with Alzheimer's is growing — and growing fast. More than 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's
The governor’s vetoes will likely be overridden, adding North Carolina to the list of 20 states that have enacted similar anti-LGBTQ laws
"The effects of a hate crime can be devastating and long-lasting for both the individual victim and the larger community"