"It's an incredibly devastating day for transgender Missourians, for families raising transgender youth, and for all of Missouri"
Drag performances where minors are permitted are no longer allowed during Northwest Arkansas Pride Weekend at the Walton Center
Santos & an unnamed "political consultant" illegally redirected campaign donations to cover personal expenses like “luxury designer clothing”
The bill is much broader than a similar measure passed in Florida and recently expanded that would apply to all K-12 grades
The legislation forces faculty to “out” a trans student to their parents & prohibit schools from acknowledging the gender identity of students
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he will look at the charges before determining if he thinks Santos should be removed from Congress
A video released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Sept. 21, 2020 is again getting viral attention on Twitter
Montana health care providers and families challenge law banning Gender-Affirming care for transgender youth
Veto overrides require a high approval of at least 2/3rds of both legislative chambers, and it's unclear whether his veto will be overridden
State transgender lawmaker proposes to girlfriend: ‘She has made me the luckiest woman alive’ her girlfriend notes saying yes