The Attorneys General filed a brief in a case in which trans people in Florida have been denied Medicaid coverage for gender affirming care
The new law, criticized by opponents as overly vague, seeks to ban drag performances in public schools and libraries
"He accepts responsibility for his actions and did not intend for his acts to cause harm or a threat to anybody"
The complaint says Victor Voe, the adolescent plaintiff, “is terrified of going through a puberty that is completely foreign to him”
In a major ruling released Wednesday, the appeals court ruled Florida's ban on drag will continue to be blocked from enforcement statewide
On Feb. 24, 2020, Garcia set fire to a dumpster in the alley directly behind Queer/Bar & was arrested only minutes after setting the fire
“Being able to hold our events in public spaces on the same terms as any other group is the basic fairness that we seek”
A temporary restraining order (TRO) would allow use of public bathrooms for the National March to Protect Trans Youth in Orlando on October 7
Jessica Barahona-Martinez arrested on June 26, 2017
Samantha & Brian Williams of Nashville, TN & their 15-year-old trans daughter are challenging a Tennessee law banning gender-affirming care