Hamas militants launched surprise attack on Saturday
Levi believes it’s not a coincidence the flyers appeared on residents’ vehicles just days after the terrorist attacks in Israel
Santos allegedly filed fraudulent fundraising reports to FEC to & repeatedly charged the credit cards of contributors without authorization
Shmuel Hugi's boyfriend is an IDF officer
On Feb. 24, 2020, Garcia set fire to a dumpster in the alley directly behind Queer/Bar & was arrested only minutes after setting the fire
The president and first lady will speak at the group's National Dinner on Saturday
“At best, it is beneath the dignity of the office of Mayor to attend [Pride] events that seek to push sex on our children"
The incident unfolded Apt 200 nightclub, situated at 7746 Santa Monica Blvd in the early morning hours on Monday
A study found estrogen has no link-.Incorrect headlines &social media posts claim that a "new study" shows a 95% increase in heart disease
“This legislation doesn’t refer to anything with regards to state or federal law with regards to transgender"