Openly gay Mass. native was US ambassador to Denmark from 2013-2017
35% of all deadly crashes in California in 2021 were speed-related- new media campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding
"If a nation built on freedom of expression allows certain voices & ideas to be silenced- why should other countries protect them?”
Homosexuality remains criminalized in African country
Upwards of 35,000 people participated in annual event
"He always pulls stunts like this to get himself arrested, so he gets a warm meal and a place to sleep a witness noted"
In the 15 days since the laws took effect, Florida Democrats haven’t made a single social media statement regarding those anti-trans laws
High Temperatures forecast for parts of Los Angeles County- Public Health reminds everyone to take precautions to avoid heat-related illness
"They do not have the brain processing power to otherwise be taken really seriously-so they had to steal a white person’s slot”
The appeal was filed last October by Americans United, an organization that advocates for separation of church and state