More than 50,000 marchers demanded equal rights
Responses to her discriminatory post were universally dismissive and castigated her for her position and ideology
The ruling is significant as it's the first time Japan's high court has ruled on a case regarding LGBTQ employees in the workplace
Brenda Díaz among hundreds arrested on July 11, 2021
SOUTH LOS ANGELES – Six-year-old Bryan Ivan Robles Jr. was excited to watch the July 4th fireworks his mother Hortensia Sanchez related to a reporter. “Me and...
“The so-called ‘Women’s Bill of Rights’ is a blatant effort to control and stigmatize transgender residents of the state”
Recently trans plaintiffs have beaten anti-trans policies in courts across the U.S. Now a judge rules a trans student can use girls bathroom
Prior to 2007, Kansas law required the Department of Revenue to document an applicant’s sex on the driver’s license
Muharami Hassan Nayonga this year received 30-year prison sentence for anal sex
Same-sex relationships remain criminalized in country