The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $4.79, which is two cents lower than last week
A new mural is being installed at West Hollywood City Hall by Britt Westveer depicts the long history of diverse LGBTQIA+ people
“In the end, we didn’t want to take any chances,” said Carrie West, president of Tampa Pride told the Tampa Bay Times
Bans like SB14 are opposed by the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, & the American Academy of Pediatrics
ACLU Challenges Mississippi High School’s Refusal to Let Transgender Student Wear Dress to Graduation Ceremony
Families added a challenge to SB 254 to pending lawsuit against the bans issued by the state’s Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine
If SB 14 becomes law, it takes effect on Sept 1 making Texas one of over a 15 states that restrict transition-related care for trans minors
"Hakan Iski is a sociopathic sexual predator. The community is safer with him behind bars," one of the victims told the Blade
The budget for these additions will be incorporated into the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY2023-2024
The Chinese-owned social media platform will be illegal in Montana starting Jan. 1, 2024, barring a successful court challenge