One of the most common arguments brought up- The idea that 80% of trans people "will desist" is a complete lie that is easy to debunk
The marathon will result in widespread road and freeway ramp closures throughout the city on Sunday morning into the early afternoon
The healthcare ban is among anti-LGBTQ laws passed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his conservative allies in the state legislature
Activists from Colombia, Afghanistan expected to speak at March 20 gathering
"This is a sissy bill. I voted yes but I wanted more teeth in it." Kentucky Republican State Rep. Richard White (Dist.99)
The editorial board of the Miami Herald wrote a scathing critique of the policies of Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis
Openly gay N.Y. congressman appeared on 'GMA3'
“This bill being signed into law is a beacon of hope and sends a powerful message of acceptance to LGBTQ people across the nation"
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $4.89, which is four cents lower than last week
“To fulfill [Lincoln's] promise to care for those who have served in our nation’s military & for their families, caregivers, & survivors”