Deliu, who is an immigrant from Romania, states he and his son are "Orthodox Christians and their religion considers homosexuality a sin"
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $5.64, which is 24 cents lower than last week
Celebrate Halloween at West Hollywood’s One-of-a-Kind Bars, Restaurants, Clubs, & family friendly events, Historical Context Study, plus more
LGBTQ, intersex activists back Lula ahead of Oct. 30 runoff
The sold-out event scheduled for October 29 was cancelled after threats from anti-LGBTQ extremist groups & neo-Nazi white supremacist groups
ACLU settles lawsuit after West Virginia officials reveal new process for amending names & gender markers on birth certificates
678 (64 percent) of LGBTQ candidates won their primaries and will appear on the ballot in November, up from 574 (57 percent) in 2020
According to Chief Moore it was Martinez, de León, Cedillo and Herrera who approached the LAPD last Friday and asked for an investigation
Big oil hiked gas prices despite crude costs going down resulting in higher prices for consumers & record profits for oil companies
Tuesday's agenda included discussion of holding a special election to fill the seat of Nury Martinez who resigned from the council