"Charge them all as pedophiles. Throw them in prison, and whenever they get out put them on the sex offender registry for life"
Melissa Núñez had lived in Miami
ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on October 20, dineL.A. and Eat + Drink Week, LGBTQ History Month Event, Annual Youth Halloween Carnival plus more
Univision's León Krauze interviewed Los Angeles City Councilmember Kevin de León in which de León says he intends to remain in office
New rules target school districts that have LGBTQ-Inclusive policies, teachers, & trans youth which bully and intimidate those districts
Odessa Kelly who is running for Tennessee’s redrawn seventh congressional district would be first out Black woman to serve in Congress
He is being held in the Clark County Detention Center on $20,000 bail and is due to appear in court November 1 for his preliminary hearing
WNBA star remains in Russian jail after drug smuggling conviction
VA is closing a gap in benefits for surviving spouses of LGBTQ+ Veterans. This extension of survivor benefits is effective immediately
10 members voted unanimously for him to take over the council presidency after former council president Nury Martinez resigned in disgrace