Alejandra Ironici found dead in home on Sunday
A gay man & longtime member of Biden’s inner circle, Goepfert is one of the administration’s most powerful LGBTQ+ officials
Three parents who remain anonymous in 2020 filed a lawsuit against the Montgomery County Board of Education
Carlson has a lengthy documented history of targeting transgender people with lies and propaganda using his show as a platform
Former NBA star says he plans to 'go this week'
"This sends a powerful negative message that California is not committed to harm reduction- other states are already moving forward"
"After Chasten & I saw your graduation speech earlier this year [...] I wanted to be sure to personally thank you for your voice & advocacy”
The City is home to more than 200 entertainment-oriented businesses, such as restaurants, lounges, bars, and nightclubs
Georgia’s passage of HB 1084 is part of a recent, dangerous wave of discriminatory new legislation in states across the country
Country's health ministry issued directive on Aug. 3