“I am deeply troubled by the empowerment of extremism we’re experiencing at this moment in history,” Pritzker told The Blade
“The Department will not stand idly by as federal agencies attempt to impose a sexual ideology on Florida schools"
The lawsuit came in the wake of the companies’ refusal to serve transgender customers and those in same-sex relationships
False accusations of LGBTQ people abusing children remain on YouTube, one of the few major platforms refusing to address the problem
“Children should not be the political fodder used to inflame hatred and bigotry for the sake of winning and holding onto power"
The complaint filed by the Dept. of Business and Professional Regulation asks that the R House restaurant be a declared a public nuisance
Blinken's statement marked the first public acknowledgment that the American government had taken action to secure the release of Griner
"So, 20 Republican attorneys general have filed a lawsuit arguing LGBTQ children should starve?" Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom
Senate Majority Leader Schumer asked about the Respect for Marriage Act said “yes” to a question on whether the bill remains a priority
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy last year pledged his country would continue to fight anti-LGBTQ and anti-intersex discrimination