Moments after store manager told customers they had to go, ladders went up in front of the store & the Starbucks letters were promptly removed
It was unclear as of Tuesday if the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office will file the charges as recommended
Indian model Sushant Divgikar has 1.8 million Instagram followers
The appeals court ruling paves the way for county prosecutors to file criminal charges against abortion providers under the 1931 state law
The “Save Women’s Sports Act,” restricts transgender girls from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identity
One victim forced to pay $600 for release
Draft document specifically includes LGBTQ+ rights
Toxic rhetoric claiming the LGBTQ community aims to “indoctrinate,” “mutilate,” & “abuse” children spreading in Spanish-language media
Preliminary water savings reach 7.5 percent for June- Newsom urged local water agencies to continue driving conservation efforts
Becker School Board Director Aaron Jurek did not return a call requesting comment. Nor did any of the other board members respond