"Mothers Against Greg Abbott's," (a play off of former president Trump's "MAGA" acronym) aim is get parents involved & voting against Abbott
Members of Congress are now moving on multiple tracks to protect other privacy-related rights they now perceive as under threat
Brittney Griner remains detained in Russia
Diego De León vive en Honduras
Greene has promoted baseless QAnon conspiracy theories & has a standing record of hateful abusive comments directed towards LGBTQ people
Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President
The Equality PAC is a congressional political action committee led by the openly gay and lesbian members of the U.S. House
Patterson admitted that he assaulted one victim – against whom he used a homophobic slur – and threatened to shoot another victim
Victoria Kolakowski es originaria de California
Earlier this year the entire Board of Directors had resigned, raising the question of whether Casa Ruby could legally operate without a board