The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $6.19, which is ten cents lower than last week
By pleading guilty, Robinson admitted that he shot the victim in an attempt to kill him because of his sexual orientation
Biden made it clear Congress needs to codify reproductive healthcare choices, however he said he would continue to take actions on his own
Brenda Díaz received 14-year sentence for taking part in anti-government protest
California has funded a total of $110 million in anti-hate programs services such as mental health, legal assistance and case management
Rapinoe has championed initiatives to fight for compensation equal to that which is earned by her male counterparts
"Not only were goods stolen but so was our sense of security. This is first time in our 33-year history we have experienced any kind of...
WNBA star has been detained since February
Sharia court in Bauchi state issued ruling on July 1
Insta claims it has policies against hate speech, bullying & harassment & publicly promotes its platforms as a safe space for LGBTQ users