The renaming was postponed after anti-transgender jokes in Chappelle’s Netflix special “The Closer” sparked controversy
Nearly 3.3 million Southern Californians will travel over July Fourth weekend, which is the third highest volume for this holiday locally
H.R. 4176 would require federal agencies to improve the collection of data related to sexual orientation & gender identity
Calls to embassy phone in Moscow went unanswered on Saturday
Consensual same-sex sexual relations remain criminalized in country
Community meeting regarding FY2022-23 & FY2023-24 Budget, In-Person Social Justice Task Force Community Listening Sessions & more
"Collectively these 3 bills are critical in supporting LGBTQ+ members in our communities & ensure that we can work to prevent discrimination"
Marriage was defined as being only between opposite genders and not enough debate on same-sex marriage had taken place in Japanese society
SB 357 repeals “loitering with intent to engage in prostitution” law, which results in harassment of transwomen & women of color sex workers
"[...] what’s fair is fair! If you go through male puberty you should not be able to take medals away from females. Period," Jenner tweeted