AB 1666 protects patients and providers in California from civil liability judgments for providing reproductive health care to patients
Advocacy groups say policy further endangered LGBTQ+ asylum seekers
Governor warned if there's not significant reduction in water use this summer, the state could be forced to enact mandatory restrictions
Half of all Americans said they are comfortable learning children are being taught lessons on LGBTQ history at school
Consular visit took place on May 19
Maine's motto is “Dirigo” Latin for “I Lead.” In keeping with that spirit a group of teens stepped up to make sure Pride happens this year
The City of West Hollywood’s first annual Pet Week, City also to Re-Open Applications for Guaranteed Income Pilot Project Testing
The closure began at 10 p.m. Saturday and will be completed by 10 p.m. Sunday, the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering announced
This policy tweak to the existing Army regulations pertaining to compassionate reassignment would clarify the current standard rules
He has a history of right-wing extremist short videos including a harassment campaign against an Arizona wig shop that serves cancer patients