“There is an important message in this legislation that taxpayer money should never fund those engaging in discrimination, bias, and hate”
Ben Collins who covers disinformation, extremism and the internet for NBC News & Ezra Kaplan, an NBC News producer live tweeted the protest
“Buck used his money and privilege to exploit his victims, who were unhoused, destitute, and/or struggling with addiction”
A gay-for-pay porn actor with the New York -based adult film company Lucas Entertainment using the stage name 'Sergeant Miles'
Funcionarios de la región asistieron el lanzamiento en México
The state implemented new student health standards, but Fox has honed in on a resource from one school, which wasn't implemented
This bill ensures any seeking substance use treatment are afforded basic rights & also prohibits false or misleading advertising
The bill is a carbon copy of the anti-trans bills sweeping the nation this past year and ignores the policies that were already in place
“I was simply confused and people were taking stuff down and…they said we had to take anything down with unicorns and rainbows”
"Family!? That's not a family! You're rapists. You steal black & Asian kids These guys aren't natural. Homosexuals are an abomination"