Yoan de la Cruz among hundreds arrested after July 11
The package also calls for $500 million in active transportation for projects that promote biking and walking throughout the state
Mônica Benício elected to Rio de Janeiro Municipal Council in 2020
"California will continue to lead by example and ensure all pregnant people have autonomy over their bodies"
He believes key civil rights decisions of the past 70 years were wrongly decided & an improper usurpation of states' rights
“If you have not spent time with transgender youth, then I would encourage you to pause on this issue,” Cox said
"Florida rejects the NCAA's efforts to destroy women's athletics, disapproves of the NCAA elevating ideology over biology"
With the nationwide walkouts, some of Disney’s biggest brands supported the LGBTQ+ community in statements posted to social media Tuesday
In the exchange Cornyn said SCOTUS interpretation of due process/equal protection led to Obergefell- comparing it to Dred Scott
Partnership will bring more investments, increase sharing on critical technology, clean energy priorities & strengthen trade relations