“This bill specifically targets transgender girls because of a false presumption that they have an unfair advantage”
"Gov. Abbott & Attorney General Paxton are joining a politically motivated misinformation campaign with no consideration of medical science"
Chief Crowley will lead a collective of 3,246 uniformed fire personnel and 353 professional support personnel
“Russia’s brazen & lawless military assault on Ukraine demands our exacting an immediate and severe cost upon the Russian government”
"California should not in any way support Putin’s corrupt oligarchy. We must divest now”
"Gender dysphoria is no different and should be treated the same; that it is not conducive to enhancing military performance or unit morale”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott directed state agencies to investigate parents and medical caregivers of trans youth for child abuse
Tyler is accused of sending several threatening messages to softball coaches at Marysville Joint Unified School District
"Almost everyone to whom the Blade reached out to for this article declined to comment"
“LGBTQ students and families deserve to see themselves reflected in the classroom. What they don’t deserve is stigma & censorship”