An APD spokesperson confirmed to the Blade that both officers are still actively employed but did not comment further
Healthcare providers working with LGBTQ youth must assess risks for mental health concerns such as eating disorders/suicidal thoughts
The bill had passed in the Republican-controlled House of Delegates last week- removed the exemption for religious organizations
“Anti-LGBTQ+ elected officials are using this divisive political strategy to harm kids who are simply trying to navigate their adolescence"
Los Angeles County’s First-Ever Cycle of Measure A Competitive Grant Programs
LGBTQ+ advocates in Texas were outraged calling actions “disinformation, being spread about transgender people and their healthcare”
La Iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana en la isla bendice matrimonios LGBTIQ+
When he took office in December of 2020, he announced a wide-reaching reforms which included he will stop charging juveniles as adults
There are currently 13 out LGBTQ elected officials in Kentucky. Herron will be the only out LGBTQ person serving in the state legislature
"But truly, the backlash was so fierce. He probably got a call from leadership that told him to get rid of it"