Defendant allegedly threatened bombings and mass shooting that would make the 2016 Orlando Pulse Nightclub Attack “Look Like a Cakewalk”
Gilberto Nogueira shares his dream of inclusion
Alarms were set off in legal circles as some argued that Obergefell v. Hodges - the same-sex marriage decision, would be in danger
The tributes to Dole poured in from every segment of government, political, public & personal reflecting his lifelong career of public service
Sampedraño hace historia al ser electo por más de 100,000 votos
Her friends will always remember her infectious personality & her unmistakable laugh. She loved others passionately and fiercely
Ryan Fecteau is gay Catholic University alum
McGrath spent two weeks in the hospital and underwent multiple surgeries due to injuries that doctors told him were caused by a blunt object
Ritu is the first mayor in Bangladesh who is “third gender”, the official designation for transgender people in the Muslim-majority country
William and Lynne Schultz alleged that one of the responding campus police officers was inadequately and improperly trained