Russian president made comment in Sochi speech
“A victory for Lisa will shatter a long-standing political barrier in California and will be a milestone moment for the state"
"Dave Chapelle is now being potentially cancelled for being hilarious. And it all ties together, all of this"
Sitting, sleeping & storing property near fire hydrants, building entrances, driveways, libraries, parks, elementary schools banned
Pablo Sánchez Gotopo passed away at Miss. hospital on Oct. 1
Statewide polling shows that 67% of people in North Carolina support protecting LGBTQ people from discrimination
March 15 attack left gay man dead
The 11-to-3 vote to suspend vote came two days after Ridley-Thomas announced that he would “step back” from his duties
Activistas presentan sugerencias para que la nueva ley sea más inclusiva
Jannat Ali attended 2018 HRC summit in D.C.