“Our goal is to help mental health providers offer the best care they can to the nation’s TGE youth without a delay in treatment”
The lawsuit challenges unconstitutional discrimination toward same-sex applicants in the parental acknowledgement process
“These funds support viral suppression that saves lives, reduces health disparities, and slows the spread of HIV"
“I’m sick & tired of having to fight over abortion rights,” [...] you are not taking that right away from us, not now not ever”
The US is among statement signatories
LGBTQ-inclusive peace agreement took effect in 2016
"Lisa has been a trailblazing champion for the LGBTQ community as well as a dedicated public servant and activist working to uplift her city"
Fabiano Contarato challenged homophobic comments during hearing
While some input was positive a greater majority took to social media platforms including Twitter & were uniformly negative in their reaction
Casa Ruby Government Affairs Director Alexis Blackmon assumes position of interim executive director during search for a permanent director