The governor and his now husband decided to hold their nuptials on the 18th anniversary of their first date
As Governor, Newsom has signed a litany of pro-LGBTQ legislation expanding the civil/equality rights of the Golden State's LGBTQ+ community
Dos activistas están en la lista luminosa
Tendría matrimonio igualitario y 'multiparentalidad'
Aldo Dávila a vocal critic of country's president, corruption
"If he doesn't get recalled, I pity the people of California- It's a shame, honestly you kind of get the government you deserve."
National Assembly expected to vote on proposal in December
"The current need and demand for genomic surveillance in the region has increased significantly, so we are extremely grateful"
Organizers cite potential COVID-related travel restrictions
A Democratic party insider source told the Blade, "Look- this recall turnout means Californians rejected Larry Elder and Trumpism"