“I have the support of too many of our employees, board members and stakeholders to walk away quietly into the night,” David said.
“The court sent a clear message that Charlotte Catholic violated Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination when it fired Mr. Billard."
According to recent polling by Swiss LGBTQ+ equality rights group Pink Cross, 82% of the Swiss population supports same-sex marriage
California's GOP leadership acknowledged that false claims of voter fraud by former President Trump has created reticence about mail-in voting
"When people talk about reparations, do they really want to have that conversation? Like it or not, slavery was legal," Elder said.
About half of likely voters express a preference for a replacement candidate. Republican Larry Elder (26%) is in the lead
Human rights activists expressed grave concerns that already marginalized groups in China are going to be further negatively impacted
The Star underscored that "more broadly, the decision is an insult to all Missourians, including tens of thousands of LGBTQ residents."
SB 110 authorizes Medi-Cal to fund evidence-based treatment giving those struggling with addiction financial rewards for staying sober
The suspect has a lengthy criminal history which includes nearly a dozen felony convictions for crimes ranging from sex offenses to burglary