The mayor in his remarks prior to the council's vote framed the agenda item as an attack on the LGBTQ+ community
“I can certainly tell you that if any of my girls are competing in sports against boys, that is going to make me very unhappy,” Kobach...
Dmytro Shapoval arrived in Germany in March 2022
“This symbolic gesture demonstrates the City's commitment to supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ+ community now and into the future”
“Don’t Say Gay” laws had spread around conservative states, though they have also brought litigation- Florida settled a lawsuit over its
Enact legislation that would update current laws to remove “outdated, unconstitutional, and unnecessary sections of law”
In making its decision, the court referenced two recent developments that may change the legal landscape for transgender people
The New York Civil Liberties Union had filed a lawsuit challenging Blakeman's executive order on behalf of the Long Island Roller Rebels
Increased threat levels domestically included recently documented instances of homophobic and transphobic threats
Unclear whether William Popp raised Anti-Homosexuality Act