"Jim Hormel was a barrier-breaking public servant, champion for LGBTQ equality, and cherished friend who will be dearly missed."
Human rights activist speaks after call to end so-called anal tests
President Joe Biden delivered a strong endorsement of Newsom, urging Californians to vote 'no' on the September 14 ballot.
The new health order no longer allows a negative COVID test to be considered an exemption to being fully vaccinated
LOS ANGELES – Attorney Gloria Allred, responding to questions about the Human Rights Campaign president’s links to the Andrew Cuomo scandal, said taking an employee’s personnel...
The project comes as the U.S. Census Bureau releases new precinct-level population data that will kickstart redistricting efforts nationwide.
Measure is 'textbook example of discrimination'
“It’s our responsibility to protect the public. The decision to not get vaccinated doesn’t just affect you."
‘My spirituality and sexuality are intertwined’
The City presented more than 155 awards since 1993 to people & organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the LGBTQ community.