The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $5.15, which is nine cents lower than a week ago
You can watch on Channel 92 or 94 on most cable systems, or anytime here. Catch up on LA County Close-Up here
Ultimately, how can we hold elected representatives to a higher standard such that they model good behavior for their employees
“Across the country and here in California, LGBTQ+ young people are under attack from extremist politicians and school boards"
Texas Attorney General aims 75th lawsuit at Biden Administration this one to halt compliance of gender identity mandates in the workplace
Among them are 11 LGBTQ judges, the same record-setting number who were nominated and confirmed under former President Barack Obama
National Park Service issued a memo clarifying uniform policies for employees from attending any event.
In a party-wide mass mailing the Colorado Republican Party is urging that all of the state's parents pull their children from public schools
Pride festivals in Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada have banned lawmakers who have pushed anti-trans policies
“In this region, far-right and ultra-religious narratives are prevalent, pushed by very conservative authorities"