Within mere minutes the boat with the anti-LGBTQ occupants burst into flames causing the hooligans to dive into the water and swim away.
Activista LGBTQ ha liderado el Colectivo Unidad Color Rosa
We are grateful for our diversity, which is the strength of our state, and support those that work towards equality in California, Newsom said
"We see you, we support you, and we are inspired by your courage to accept nothing less than full equality."
Maryland now joins with the 15 other U.S. states and territories that have banned use of the LGBTQ panic defense
Shalawn James is a Maryland native
Virginia DOE policies regarding treatment of trans students in elementary and secondary schools were made available last year
The 65 year old West Hollywood resident had built his company and reputation on hosting large scale parties in exotic places
"It would be a mistake not to place kids with wonderful couples that want to be foster parents that are gay," the governor told reporters
Pandemic-postponed games to open in July