Malonelord's video documents how she felt that by being raised by strong female role models assisted her in breaking barriers
Titus previously made history when they were elected to the Erie School Board, becoming the first out trans person elected in Pennsylvania.
It’s already hard dealing with bullying and judgmental kids, and now you can’t even have a flag saying, ‘We support you in the classroom
No one should be denied coverage for health care simply because they are transgender.
"This bill says that the state doesn't trust trans youth, their parents, and their physicians"
The children’s literacy program received pushback from residents questioning its content. FOL says its message of inclusivity is important
In 2017 Lovato had invited Danica Roem, the 1st openly trans lawmaker in Virginia to the American Music Awards to speak out against bullying
Most medical and psychological professional associations strongly oppose “conversion therapy” as illegitimate
It is time to ensure that all people are not only able to choose their name & gender identity, but documents and systems are inclusive
Activistas participaron en marcha contra la Homo, Lesbo, Bi, Transfobia