Record breaking mail-in ballots & social media a game-changer for Biden-Harris
Se continua el debate sobre el tema en la iglesia católica
The 2020 election is a critical one, and it’s already happening. With ballots sent to every registered voter in California, people across the state are already...
LOS ANGELES – The election battle between incumbent Los Angeles City Council member David Ryu and his opponent is highly contentious and has even hit the...
Pontiff made comments in new documentary
“There is a path forward. We don’t know when, but we know how.”
LGBTQ people of color whose arms are tired of juggling so many different issues – are finding the America Dream vaporizing into COVID-19 air.
President Sebastián Piñera 'failed to live up to obligations'
Nota del editor: Tremenda Nota es el medio socio del Los Angeles Blade en Cuba. Esa nota salió en su portal el 18 de octubre. MATANZAS,...
“Tampering with vote by mail drop boxes and ballots is serious criminal offense and we will vigorously seek the prosecution of individuals who engage in such...