October 19, is deadline to register to vote by mail
Nonardo Perea sufrió persecución en su patria
Becerra & Padilla appeared to back off further legal actions against the California Republican Party
"We need leaders who have proven their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community."
Former Vice President Joe Biden, promised he’ll protect LGBTQ rights to a mom of a trans kid during an ABC News town hall Thursday evening.
The problem when dealing with removing a Sheriff, in fact any of the Sheriff’s across California’s 58 counties, is that they cannot be fired.
WEST HOLLYWOOD – If you are one of the many residents of WeHo that looks forward to the city’s ongoing Drag Queen Story Hours, there’s good...
Governor's LGBTQ advisory council celebrates 'historic' move
Activists took part in Blade-sponsored roundtable.
The U.S. Census Bureau has announced they are ending operations October 15, 2020