Ashlee Marie Preston, a nationally known Los Angeles-based transgender activist and paid surrogate for the presidential campaign of Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, came under heavy...
Jackie Lacey’s gotta go. That’s not just the sentiment of a number of Black LGBTQ activists upset with Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s...
A beloved Trans activist, actress, and comedienne Daphne Dorman, 44, died by suicide last Friday, October 11. In a Facebook message posted in the early morning...
Homosexuality already criminalized in African country
Buttigieg urges audience to recognize anti-trans violence
The attorney for a drag performer and member of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles says his client was a victim of what appears to...
The Washington Blade’s Chris Johnson looked at the LGBTQ plans released by Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Kamala Harris in advance of tonight’s HRC/CNN LGBTQ...
Se realizaron el martes los argumentos en tres casos
Alberto de Belaunde, Deb Butler to receive Tammy Baldwin award next month
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) (Screen capture via YouTube) Kamala Harris pledged on Thursday plans to designate a White House chief advocate for LGBT affairs should be elected in...