Louisiana, Mississippi, & Alabama all advancing bills that "define sex" to exclude trans people from any legal recognition of their gender
He stressed the urgency of passing the Equality Act to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
LGBTQ+ news stories from around the globe including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Japan & Thailand
Roughly 25,000 runners will stream through city streets with the goal of completing Sunday’s 39th Los Angeles Marathon
Ndayishimiye during the commemoration of the International Women’s Day reiterated his call for LGBTQ people to be stoned in a stadium
Jessica Stern traveled to N.Y. this week
Raichik has publicly pushed the white nationalist “great replacement” conspiracy theory & posted about a so-called “planned invasion”
A U. S. District Court judge & a three judge panel of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals previously ruled against the student group
Jay Gilliam met with activists, community members from Feb. 19-27
Her vision for a more livable and diverse city promises to shape the future trajectory of one of the nation's most dynamic urban centers