The outcome was a successful referendum on two “lunatics.” One made headlines last year after calling the police on a school librarian
SB 923 comes at a time when LGBTQ healthcare access is under assault across the country from extremist right-wing leaders
"SB 930 is a local control bill that lets cities decide what nightlife works best for their communities and small businesses"
It’s “effing bull poop,” one investigator wrote bluntly in an email to another employee days after the governor’s directive
Carlson has a lengthy documented history of targeting transgender people with lies and propaganda using his show as a platform
"This sends a powerful negative message that California is not committed to harm reduction- other states are already moving forward"
"After Chasten & I saw your graduation speech earlier this year [...] I wanted to be sure to personally thank you for your voice & advocacy”
Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is working towards, what appears to observers to be dedicated efforts, to completely erase LGBTQ+ people
Finchem is no stranger to conspiracies & the far-right. Before heading to the Arizona Legislature, he had already joined the Oath Keepers
These anti-vax talking points are intended to stigmatize LGBTQ people by framing promiscuity as the primary driver of the disease