"Almost everyone to whom the Blade reached out to for this article declined to comment"
“The research is clear – lack of affordable housing is at the root of many societal issues, including health and educational disparities”
The Rainbow Wave continues to gain momentum as voters show their enthusiasm and commitment to electing leaders that reflect diversity
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
A bill introduced by Senator Hertzberg Friday will enable private citizens to hold the gun industry accountable through civil litigation
"This new data reveals the need to continue building momentum behind the Rainbow Wave until we achieve parity"
She has actively supported QAnon conspiracies & promoted former President Donald Trump's lie that the election was stolen
Opposition to the legislation in Florida comes more from “people who don’t like the DeSantis agenda anyway”
Hartzler has a long history of attacking the LGBTQ+ community & the Senator's record on anti-LGBTQ+ animus is also lengthy
Obergefell said his principles and values, as well as his experience fighting for LGBTQ+ rights will help him be successful if elected