Now is the time to think different, be innovative and strive for positive change.
There’s a great deal of work to repair the damages.
I truly believe with the future ahead of us- we can keep fighting and see that light once again.
You don’t have to like us. But please…just SEE us.
"How many LGBTQ veterans are there whose stories would never be told?"
"The next administration will need to walk and chew gum at the same time"
Lopez, a staunch anti-LGBTQ advocate, has secured a seat on the Montclair City Council.
Democracy does not exist in my homeland of Cuba
Lopez’s anti-LGBTQ views stand directly in contrast to the welcoming and accepting place that Montclair could and should be.
The 2020 election is a critical one, and it’s already happening. With ballots sent to every registered voter in California, people across the state are already...