The longer this goes on… the less sympathy I’ll have. You killed a 6 year old boy for God’s sake. Come forward. Turn yourself in...
After the shooting, the vehicle was last seen traveling northbound on the 55 Freeway and heading eastbound on the 91 Freeway toward Riverside
Anyone with information that can identify the shooter is asked to call CHP investigators or please email CHP [email protected]
LA County Parks & Rec offers workshops
Celebrate an LGBT elder who made a difference in your life
Youth participants ages 9-17 can enjoy LA County freshwater lakes while training to become a junior lifeguard
A first-of-its-kind town hall to answer any questions or concerns that LGBTQ+ Californians have about the COVID-19 vaccines
LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation (LA County Parks) and 20 cities are joining together to launch a movement to...
The Los Angeles Blade congratulates the publisher, editor, and staff of the The Bay Area Reporter on its Golden Anniversary
Public Health has not received any reports of persons in L.A. County with acute non-viral hepatitis illness linked to this recall at this time