Topics will include a situational update, vaccine eligibility, & preventative measures. The town hall will also include a Q&A with residents
Dancing & waving rainbow, trans, and progress flags, participants protested proposed legislation that would ban future Pride gatherings
“I have appointed a Cabinet to serve until a new leader in place,” the prime minister said Thursday outside Downing Street
Andrew is now the ninth most senior level minister to depart Johnson's government, nearly all questioning the prime minister's integrity
Actress Celina Jaitly has appeared in U.N. 'Free and Equal' campaign
When the prime minster was asked whether women can be born with a penis, he replied: “Not without being a man”
Parks & Rec offers sport opportunities for girls in flag football, soccer, softball, basketball, lacrosse, cheerleading and volleyball
Johnson's Tory-led government seemingly has been more indifferent to Britain's LGBTQ+ community- Trans persons in particular
FREE Performances, Guest Speaker Series, Games, Art Displays, Car Exhibits and So Much More this Saturday!
Summer aquatics registration opens up Saturday, June 18 and programs start Monday, June 20, 2022- visit