While not all transgender people want or need surgery, it can often be inaccessible or unaffordable to those that do
Tensions and issues regarding the LGBTQ+ student population in the district's schools has been a reoccurring situation
"Judge Meachum’s ruling that the policy is likely unconstitutional & may not be enforced brings welcome relief to the parents & children"
“No matter where we come from or who we love, we should all be able to agree that everyone deserves protections from domestic violence”
Restricts the promotion of “divisive concepts” relating to race, gender and sex at state colleges and universities
The court’s ruling stops the DFPS from investigating the parents named in the lawsuit
"Gov. Abbott & Attorney General Paxton are joining a politically motivated misinformation campaign with no consideration of medical science"
"She was “denied basic medical care to treat her gender dysphoria and was housed in men’s prisons for more than two decades"
Just one show on other cable, broadcast networks aired segments on the first anti-trans bill signed into law in 2022
“No employee should have to tolerate being denied insurance coverage for their medically necessary health care solely because they are Trans”