“Dignity Health is trying to claim it’s an LGBTQ-friendly organization but when Evan needed care he was turned away because he is transgender"
"The treatment aimed at PHGSA by administrators is unwarranted- these students must be treated in the same manner all others are treated"
SB 357 does not decriminalize soliciting or engaging in sex work. Eliminates an loitering offense for simply “appearing” to be a sex worker
“The court sent a clear message that Charlotte Catholic violated Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination when it fired Mr. Billard."
“Rather than allow equal access to a safe school environment, they decided to fight for 5 years in a costly legal battle that they lost.”
“The Biden administration was correct to rescind the Trump policy, the whole point of which was to punish people for seeking asylum"
"The state's political leaders are making Tennessee a dangerous place for our daughter, & other children like her."
Challenging the enactment of non-binary and trans-inclusive school policies in Virginia is not a new occurrence.
“This ruling sends a clear message to states across the country that gender-affirming care is life-saving care"
Having a birth certificate that does not match gender identity puts trans people at higher risk of harassment, hostility, and discrimination