“This ruling is a win for not just our client – who will now be able to hold an event on June 30 that celebrates inclusivity...
"The ACLU did a superb job in this case, which has now set a precedent that other courts are likely to follow"
Parson told capital reporters that he signed the measures without a ceremony and in private because “the issue is divisive to some”
“They ran a race and lost, & they don’t like the rules” Christian activist lawyers ask to resurrect lawsuit over trans-inclusive policy
“This law is a dangerous intrusion upon the rights of Idaho families. Our state should be a safe place to raise every child, including trans"
Plaintiffs argue City of St. George unlawfully discriminated against them in violation of their rights under the U.S. & Utah constitutions
Bans like SB14 are opposed by the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, & the American Academy of Pediatrics
ACLU Challenges Mississippi High School’s Refusal to Let Transgender Student Wear Dress to Graduation Ceremony
Montana health care providers and families challenge law banning Gender-Affirming care for transgender youth
The law now makes it a felony for physicians to provide trans youth with treatments that can include puberty-blocking drugs and hormones