Gilead announces 99.9% of participants in trial were HIV negative
Advocacy groups say move would eliminate ‘Ending HIV Epidemic’ initiative
Fernando Hermida diagnosed four months after asking for asylum
“I wish for you the continued freedom to rise to your truest, highest expression of yourself as a human being”
The Drag Queen World Series raises awareness of the ongoing impact of AIDS and aims to erase stigma while raising funds for The Life Group LA
Thank you, David Mixner. It’s time for a well-deserved rest in peace and to see all your old friends again
Former Blade reporter’s podcast focuses on POC, women, trans people
Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette on coming out, AIDS, retirement — and what’s next
Haigh’s vision makes this one of the best films of the year
Characters are resilient, even hopeful, in the midst of disease, death