One parent said he would remove his three children from the school system if they continued to support the GSA
Oz, who is registered as a Republican candidate, was asked by another attendee regarding his stance on Trans issues
Carlson & right wing radio host Jesse Kelly launched into an odious critique with a heaping dose of reeking rectal opening rubbish
The Fox network show Fox & Friends also invited anti-critical race theory activists to defend the LGBTQ book bans
The U.S. District Court ruled that all New Yorkers are entitled to equal access to the public marketplace under the law
“People experience a lot of hurt from things that are said to them online, and that is what we are trying to address”
There is an overwhelming & growing evidence trans lives are improved via affirmation, access to medical care, and freedom from discrimination
The lawsuit states the district's reason for denying him access was because he was transgender and "is alleged to have female genitalia"
Instead of annihilation, I decided a softer more gentle approach. Here is my open Christmas card to the “Concerned Parents of Hastings.”
Edwards said he told NYPD the attackers voiced anti-LGBTQ remarks- NYPD source said nothing in the case notes indicate anti-gay comment