"Discriminating against transgender youth is a higher priority than addressing the real problems affecting ALL Texans today"
HB 1182 requires businesses to post a demeaning notice on their premises if they have policies allowing access for transgender individual
Superintendent Cloutier directed the school district attorney to contact an appropriate federal agency to conduct an independent review.
“They didn’t want me to say that I was queer, because they said it would exclude people in the audience,” Dershem told NBC 10.
FIFA sanctions team by banning spectators from first 2 World Cup qualifier matches
North Kansas City councilman is facing calls to leave office or possibly be recalled by voters after public remarks
He was accused of damaging the crosswalk mural while he was part of a caravan to celebrate former President Trump’s 75th birthday
OAN reportedly relies on subscriber fees, also known as carriage fees, rather than advertising as a prime revenue source
Crowder engaged in a homophobic tirade, claiming that being gay could make mental health issues, promiscuity, and AIDS “more likely.”
The Trump administration had actively pursued actions that created a hostile political and cultural environment for the LGBTQ community