"It has been really hard to see the progress LGBTQ people made, just to watch Republicans try to rip that out from under us"
Where is LGBTQ leadership as a possible political Armageddon threatens to wipe out, roll back, erase progress towards full LGBTQ equality
The country's government backed Pride in recent years & approved same-sex partnerships in 2020 as it seeks membership in the European Union
“Our policies and regulations will continue supporting our transgender and gender-expansive students, staff, & families from discrimination"
The drag performance was slated to be an event billed as family friendly, open to all, but organizers forced to change plans after complaints
The acting CEO of the Kenya Film Classification Board asserted that all films containing LGBTQ+ related content are illegal in Kenya
“The Problem With Jon Stewart” begins this episode with a primer on the issue, using his trademark sense of humor and snark
She was called into the guidance counselor's office and told parents had said her nomination could have been part of a "mean-spirited joke"
“The people of Zambia, just as it is the people of the African continent, deserve an opportunity to see humanity beyond heterosexuality”
Following the suspension, the extreme anti-LGBTQ account immediately returned to targeting teachers & a children’s hospital