Defendant admitted that he threatened mass shootings, bombings and other fatal attacks, on the LGBTQ+ community
"If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces-They will turn Florida into a surveillance state"
An APD spokesperson confirmed to the Blade that both officers are still actively employed but did not comment further
“Anti-LGBTQ+ elected officials are using this divisive political strategy to harm kids who are simply trying to navigate their adolescence"
LGBTQ+ advocates in Texas were outraged calling actions “disinformation, being spread about transgender people and their healthcare”
"But truly, the backlash was so fierce. He probably got a call from leadership that told him to get rid of it"
“All students should be treated with respect- All I asked was to be treated the same as other boys and to be recognized for who I...
"Anti-LGBTQ+ politicians have sought to lay the groundwork to turn Texans against their LGBTQ+ neighbors through an onslaught of legislation"
Christian web designer who seeks to refuse to work with same-sex couples despite a state law requiring her to open to LGBTQ customers
“It’s very strange for something like this to happen in Decatur now”