"Florida rejects the NCAA's efforts to destroy women's athletics, disapproves of the NCAA elevating ideology over biology"
With the nationwide walkouts, some of Disney’s biggest brands supported the LGBTQ+ community in statements posted to social media Tuesday
In the exchange Cornyn said SCOTUS interpretation of due process/equal protection led to Obergefell- comparing it to Dred Scott
A group of LGBTQ+ Pixar employees accused Disney of barring moments of gay affection from movies before they are released
“I see Lauren Boebert as an obstacle – the same way I would see a traffic cone as an obstacle,” he said, adding: “Bring it on.”
The full story of what happened when 10 members of two anti-transgender groups and a swimmer’s dad confronted me in Atlanta
A growing number of Republicans seem to be coming around to an idea that’s old news: people like Cawthorn shouldn’t hold public office
While other states actively seek to enshrine discrimination against transgender youth in their laws- California should and can do better
A LGBTQ+ nonprofit based in Ohio – wants to spread "messages of love" with a billboard campaign across the country
Stanford swimmer Taylor Ruck won her first individual NCAA championship and puts her in a tie with former Stanford star Simone Manuel